Coaches Bio
Vani endured a 21-year marriage to a covert narcissist, raising two children in the process. She did all she could to avoid custody battles with the 2 children. In 2021, following a life-altering incident, Vani had no choice but to file for divorce. Simultaneously recovering from serious back surgery, she faced the daunting challenge of divorcing her covert narcissistic husband.
Despite the presence of a prenuptial agreement, her husband contested it for two years, attempting to wear her down at every turn. Vani educated herself extensively on her state’s matrimonial laws, meticulously gathered evidence, and fought fiercely, becoming practically the third attorney on her case. Her expertise in handling a borderline narcissistic personality proved crucial, especially given the dangerous circumstances involving firearms.Her relentless effort and strategic thinking led to a settlement two years later, as she devised a deal that enticed her ex-husband, avoiding a trial. Vani’s case even resulted in a historic legal judgement from the judge in her case where he made a landmark decision documented on Casetext.com.
Vani is a determined fighter, dedicated to advocating for what is right and just for women in similar situations. She possesses the knowledge, experience, and certification from Rebecca Zung’s SLAY Program, equipping her to support and guide others through their own battles.